Saturday, January 24, 2009

Writer's Workshop Thursday!

Well this is a tad late, but I guess better late than never. Most of my posts are going to be late, as I have just gone back to work for the first time since the baby was born. She is going to be 1 next month. I can't believe it!

So I am starting with Thursday and doing the Writer's Workshop with MammaKat. She is so great she always has the greatest prompts. I had a hard time deciding which one to write about. But I decided to go with #4, which is share the best picture you took last month and tell why it's your favorite! And this is the one I chose.

My oldest daughter had just made herself some hot chocolate. Somehow the baby got a hold of the spoon she used to make the hot chocolate and....the rest is history!

(click to enlarge for the full effect!)
I like this picture the best because it shows off her "baby blues" so well. She has the most beautiful eyes, and with them she can control the universe ( or at least her daddy and myself)!

Head on over to MammaKat's and see what everyone else had to write about!

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