Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nothin' like startin' 'em out early

Ever wonder where kids learn to eat right? Well obviously they teach themselves. I often have an old milk crate full of fresh vegetables from my huge garden sitting on the floor so we can use them up. My youngest is just learning to crawl, and she always heads straight to the milk crate. Just last night, she got a tomato and actually took a big bite out of it!

Hey mom, can I pick the tomato for dinner tonight?

Wow! Which one do I want?

Ah ha! Here it is the perfect one!

Mmm, rum, rum, tastes good too!

Oh yeah, don't forget the corn on the cob.

I have a garden space that is 20' X 70'. It's huge. We had tomatoes, potatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, Anaheim peppers, peas, beans, onions, cucumbers, and zucchini. We actually planted corn but it never came up. So we ate a lot of my mom's corn. Thanks mom.


Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

The corn cob! And...DON'T feed babies tomatoes! Ha.

She's getting so big?...sigh.

I like this post. See, doesn't have to be big stuff happening in your life, eh?

Anonymous said...

Wow I wish I could have a big garden like that. The kids are adorable :-) Welcome too to the blogging world your sis sent me and about a ton of people on Twitter lol

Straight to Your Hart said...

..Carissa sent me this way from twitter..what a darling family you have...and your header so cute!!

...My oldest LOVES the Labrynth, she will be so excited to hear that
someone else is a fan as well.

Have fun blogging and I enjoyed your posts...thanks Carrisa for sending us on this way...what a good sister you are!!

dawntrenee said...

That is such a great idea, maybe my boys would eat more if I left it out for them to explore.
Welcome to the blogging world, your sister sent me over to wish you a warm welcome.

Daisy said...

so cute! Who needs candy? What a sweetie!

KatandBlue said...

Darikka is so cute! Weird we have the same age babies huh?!