Monday, September 29, 2008

Holy Motorcycle Mama!!

This is for all you "City Slickers" out there! Can you drive 2 miles from your house and do this?!
This is the first time I have ever even been on a dirt bike. I refused to get on without my Hubby. I insisted that if I was going to get hurt, he would too. He, of course, was game for the beating! After several attempts at trying to start the dang thing, I finally got us off and running. As you can tell, we are moving pretty slow, (never even got out of first gear).

After driving around and making several turn-arounds, faithful Hubby decides to bail off. Says that I can do it all by myself! Are you kidding me?!? I'm pretty sure the girl-i-ness came out of me as I was screaming quite loudly!

But....I did it! No crashes, and I was able to start and stop a few times all by my little ole self. Girl Power!!

By the kids thought I was pretty cool! I mean seriously what 29 year old mom jumps on a CR-80 for the first time and doesn't even crash?


Naoni said...

Glad to see you got the pics up. It was pretty fun watching you too! What daring stunt is next, sky diving?

Straight to Your Hart said...

You RoCk!! That is one of my fears trying to one myself..when I was a teenager my boyfriend wrecked with ME on baby steps...I tried a manual four wheeler this year!! What a proud moment..good work.

Kate said...

Ha- so are you letting the kids on anytime soon!!

Cecily R said...

That IS pretty dang cool. I would have crashed the first time and the next and the next...let's put it this way, I'm still working on not being wobbly on my regular old bike.

Looks like you had a great time!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Hello? HELMET????

Hate those things...YUCK!

And...LOOK at your comments! You cool thing you!
This would be a great post to add to on Wednesdays (today!) See ifyou can figure it out!

Claremont First Ward said...

Looks like fun. I would have crashed. For sure.

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

I would be in a full body cast right now if that were me :).

Saw you over at Angie's. Glad I stopped by!

Jaime said...

Looks like fun!